• amPc1
  • fMRT1
  • Interview2


Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often stand out as early as the first grade. They never seem to be fully focused and are easily distracted by external stimuli and classmates. It is much more difficult for them than children of the same age to control their behavior and adapt to different situations. Attention and behavioral control can improve when children and adolescents with ADHD receive positive feedback or engage in new, interesting content.




Characterization of altered reward representation and processing in children and adolescents with ADHD

In various studies, we are dealing with the question of what kind of feedback children and adolescents with ADHD can learn better through. We also want to understand how positive and negative consequences (reward, punishment) are processed by the brain and how they influence behaviour and learning processes in ADHD. In this context, we also investigate how new stimuli can be used to improve attention and behavioral control in ADHD.




HD-tDCS- Bild

Alternative therapy method?: Transcranial direct current stimulation in ADHD

Transcranial direct current stimulation is a new method that allows the excitability of certain brain areas to be specifically influenced by weak direct current. A positive effect of this stimulation has already been proven for sensory, motor and cognitive functions. In this study it will be investigated whether transcranial direct current stimulation can also be used to improve attention and behavioral control in adolescents with ADHD.




The influence of novelty on memory formation and learning performance

In our CBBS Neuro Network we will investigate how new impressions and the signal substances activated by them can improve learning processes in animals and humans. We will focus on the role of the signalling substances dopamine and noradrenaline. These neurotransmitters are involved in the processing of new impressions or environments in the brain. Furthermore, in our CBBS-NeuroNetwork we will study children and adolescents with ADHD who are impaired in their memory formation due to a reduced availability of dopamine and noradrenelin.




ADHS and neurodermatitis

People with atopic dermatitis are characterized by an increase in attention of their perceptual systems, which can be demonstrated for the skin and the immune system. This atopic dermatitis has been shown to be an unrelated associated factor in the development of ADHD.


Last Modification: 10.04.2024 - Contact Person:

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